Category: story time

  • Opening the suitcase

    Yesterday I finished reading The Tiger Rising and wrote about Rob and his locked suitcase of emotions. He was not able to process his grief and felt shamed by his father for showing such sadness and emotion, so he forced himself to lock it away, causing all kinds of physical and mental health issues. While…

  • In & Of Itself

    In a moment of serendipity this afternoon, my tv browsing (which often seems fruitless), turned up a hidden treasure that will linger for some time in my mind. The trailer drew me in, and for once it did not give away all of the secrets and twists and best parts. In fact, this was a…

  • Lit Fest Visions

    One of the unforeseen joys of this Slice of Life Challenge is an excuse to go back and read the old posts on here. And since the last post was five years ago (no, wait, SIX YEARS AGO!?!), it really was a time warp moment. March 1st, 2015 was the day before I helped host…

  • Sunday Story: Weaknesses

    Sunday Story: Weaknesses

    One of my least favorite questions to answer during interviews was always, “What is one of your weaknesses / areas for improvement, and why?” I hated it because to me it was like “tell me why you are messed up and what you will fail to do at the job!?” I know that was not…

  • Sunday Story: Momentum

    Sunday Story: Momentum

    Every time I read the Little Engine That Could aloud to a class or a child, I always make sure to get the rhythm of the little train correct. As you can guess and should correctly read, the train begins out slow and labored as he plans to pull his load up the mountain. I…

  • Story Sunday: Memories

    Story Sunday: Memories

    Of all the things from Harry Potter’s magical world, I am wishing more and more that I had a Pensieve. The memory collector seems more valuable to my mind than the power of a wand or spell or even the Remembrall (orb which can be sent by someone for reminders). The reason is simple, I…

  • Story Sunday: Stone Fences

    Story Sunday: Stone Fences

    “Good fences make good neighbors.”  While I like the concept of that saying, it does bring many questions to my mind.  It also connects me to thoughts of the past … and my past … and my past weekend!  Let’s see if I can put all of these thoughts together -much like stacking those immortal…

  • Story Sunday: Community

    Story Sunday: Community

    I am guessing I am not the only one who has felt an evolving sense of community as I’ve grown older.  As a child, community is family, then school, then friends.  By high school, that sense of community among friends began changing depending on my schedule.  There were band friends, church friends, sports friends, drama…

  • Story Sunday: Inspiration and Creativity

    I know that authors often hear – and usually despise – the question “where do your ideas come from?”  Mostly this is disliked because there is no one answer, no secret formula, and no way to automatically guarantee success.  I like how Uncle Stevie said it: “Let’s get one thing clear right now, shall we?…

  • Story Sunday: Lit Fest

    Story Sunday: Lit Fest

    Yesterday I took a quick trip to Lancaster.  It wasn’t for family or friends.  I could say it was for school and library, but that’s not really true either.  It was for me.  Selfish as that may sound, I wanted a chance to surround myself with something new and also something familiar.  I went to…