members of the jury

You’ve all seen the scene in movies and procedural tv shows:

INTERIOR SCENE: COURTROOM pan across audience to front

Bailiff: ALL RISE!

Members of the jury enter silently in line from side door. They are a mix of ages, races, height, sizes, and dress codes. They silently stand by their seats.

Bailiff: You may be seated.

And then the drama begins. Accusations are made; queries are asked; traps are set; objections are made; tears are shed; (passive voices are used 😉 ) The kind and empathetic and serious members of the jury take it all in and then decide justice.

Today was my day. A chance to star in that role! Jury Duty Summons – kind of like an audition for a drama, right?!

But no. No drama for me. Jury Duty cancelled.

Which, to be honest, was all for the best for me and my hectic schedule over the next few weeks. Still, it would have made a great Slice to people watch and imagine the what ifs. Oh well, no drama… and the jury is still out on this post!


4 responses to “members of the jury”

  1. It’s providential that I read your post. Earlier in the week, I received a notice. Of course, I put it in a “safe place” and promptly forgot about it. I’ll be responding today, thanks to you. Loved the way you put together this slice.

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  2. I’ve only done jury duty once, but it was kind of fun. It definitely provided writing fodder. (But, it would have stunk to have been called during the school year and had to write sub plans!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Loved how you described the scene! Totally what I imagine jury duty to be like! I have never been called for jury duty…I’m sure it’s bound to happen sometime! Glad you were able to keep your prior schedule, but sorry for the lack of drama! HA!

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